Course Description 58

Understanding and Utilizing Twelve Step Programs
James Wuelfing, BA, CPP, NRPP

Course Description:

Twelve-Step programs are an important component in the treatment of addictions. They are often one of the few options available to recovering addicts and alcoholics as an on-going aftercare component. However, many clinicians have limited knowledge about these programs which impedes the clinician’s ability to make successful referrals to 12 Step programs and/or to help the client resolve questions and concerns about such programs.

This introductory course is designed to orient mental health and addictions professionals to the philosophies and practices of 12 Step programs. Through on-line presentation, additional readings, and attendance at an open 12 Step meeting, participants will enhance their knowledge of these programs and increase their effective utilization of them in referral and treatment planning.

This five week course requires 10 hours of work over its duration.

This course is not scheduled at this time

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