Course Description 9

Challenges of Re-entry for the Criminal Justice Population
Brenda Westberry, MS
Course Description:

What happens once an offender has completed their prison sentence and has paid their “debt” to society? Reentry planning involves the use of programs targeted at promoting the effective reintegration of offenders back to communities upon release from prison and jail. The offender released from prison faces serious needs as they re-enter the community and begin to overcome obstacles such as drug and alcohol abuse, homelessness, psychiatric and mental disorders, long absences from family and friends, legal and practical limitations coupled with the strangeness of everyday living.

Finding support for this adjustment and avoiding relapse are two of many obstacles that most offenders face. The reality is that the vast majority of offenders released from prison remains subject to community correctional authority and must adapt to the challenges of mandated treatment and programs.

During this course, the participant will explore practices that are effective and evidence based in providing ongoing support and reinforcement to the offender who is re- entering society.

This four week course requires 8 hours of work over its duration.

This course is not scheduled at this time

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