Course Description 48

Simply Being: The Appropriate Use of Self In The Therapeutic Relationship With Addicted Adults
Patricia A. Burke, MSW, LCSW
Course Description:

Chogyam Trungpa, a Tibetan Buddhist teacher, has said that “the basic work of health professionals in general and psychotherapists in particular is to become full human beings and inspire full human-beingness in people who feel starved about their lives.” This course will allow participants to explore their innate wisdom, intuition, creativity and ability to embody full human-beingness, to enhance their confidence and effectiveness as counselors, and to develop specific skills in the appropriate use of self in individual and group process with addicted adults.

This course will draw from diverse spiritual, creative, and psychotherapeutic arts such as Taoism, Buddhism, body-process psychotherapy, imagery, storytelling, Transpersonal, Humanistic, and Depth Psychologies, and the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. We will explore the use of experiential learning processes such as meditation, guided meditation, the spiritual practice of mindfulness, and writing practice as pathways to self-discovery and the full blossoming of the integrated self as a helper in service to others.

This four week course requires 8 hours of work over its duration.

This course is not scheduled at this time

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