Brown DLP Website User Login 7
User Login – Brown DLP Website
Brown Distance Learning Program
In order to access the Brown DLP Website, you will need to login using your username and password.
User Login – Brown DLP Website Brown Distance Learning Program In order to access the Brown DLP Website, you will need to login using your username and password. Username: Password:
Substance Use Issues in Gay and Lesbian Clients: Considerations for Effective PracticeWilliam J. Pellicio, MA Course Description: This continuing education workshop will explore the risk factors for the development of problems with substance use involved in the struggle to develop a healthy identity in a society which has historically pathologized different sexual orientations. Interventions that…
AOD and disabilities: current perspectives and treatment approachesWilliam J. Pellicio, MA Course Description: The course will explore the relationship of alcohol and other drug use to injuries causing disability; explore the risk factors for substance abuse in persons with disabilities, both physical and cognitive; provide information on screening and assessment for chemical dependency; and discuss…
Pat Ristaino Dutton has been licensed as a Masters level Alcohol & Drug Counselor, an ANA certified psychiatric nurse, and a Licensed Clinical Supervisor. She is retired from clinical practice & is currently involved in education & teaching in areas of mental health & substance use disorders. She holds a MS degree in education &…
Registration Open Brown University Distance Learning Program is offering a credited, on-line course on clinician self-care. For years the spiritual component of the recovery process has largely fallen under the auspices of Twelve Step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Recently, however, there has been an increased awareness and interest in spiritual practices and processes as…
The New England ATTC Distance Learning Program (DLP) is continuously seeking new instructors and workshop content. If you are interested in presenting for the DLP, please review the Instructor requirements. If you believe that you meet our requirements and you’re interested in developing an online workshop, please contact Andrew Golembeske. OmiSadé Ali, M.A., LADC, CCS…