Course Description 31

Introduction to Ethics: Managing Ethical Dilemmas and Risk-Management Issues
Frederic G. Reamer, PhD
Course Description:

This course will provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to ethical and risk-management issues related to substance abuse treatment and services. The course will focus on three key topics: (1) ethical dilemmas encountered by substance abuse professionals (focusing especially on situations where professionals’ obligations conflict), (2) ethical decision-making strategies (conceptual frameworks designed to help practitioners make difficult ethical judgments), and (3) risk management (concepts and strategies designed to prevent ethics complaints and ethics-related lawsuits pertaining to professionals’ handling of confidential information, informed consent, boundary issues and dual relationships, conflicts of interest, service delivery, supervision, consultation, referral, and termination of services). The course will make extensive use of case studies to accompany the conceptual material.

This four week course requires 8 hours of work over its duration.

This course is not scheduled at this time

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