James Wuelfing, BA, CPP, NRPP
Jim Wuelfing, CPP-R, is owner and CEO of the New England Center, a company dedicated to quality training and technical assistance services. The New England Center specializes in many areas including; strategic planning, team facilitation, community organizing, cultural competence, prevention, curriculum development, peer education and problem gambling prevention. Jim has written and trained the highly praised workshop, “Racism of the Well Intended” as well as the week long “Recovery Coach Academy.” Jim has been on the faculty of the New England School of Alcohol Studies for seventeen years and has served on both the planning committee and the faculty of the New England School of Prevention Studies since its inception in 2000. For the past several years, Jim has coordinated the prevention of problem gambling effort for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Additionally he has served as one of the lead facilitators for the policy academies on chronic homelessness and family homelessness, co-occurring disorders and returning veterans. In this capacity, he facilitated several statewide teams of policy makers and service providers in vision development, reality assessments, gap analysis, strategic planning and technical assistance. Jim has also been extensively involved in offering his expertise to states and regions in the recovery advocacy and support services movement. He has worked with CCAR (CT), FOR-NJ (NJ), RICARES (RI), MOAR (MA), FOR-NH (NH), Face It! (SD) and NEARR (New England). |